About Us

Endeavor Fitness Invermere

How Ordinary People Become Extraordinary!

First you might be wondering why we consider ourselves extraordinary? The answer is simple… we have all achieved more than we ever thought possible!

At Endeavor Fitness we work hard every day… not a surprise to anyone that has heard of Functional Fitness. It’s funny though while we are working hard we are also making friends, trying to learn new tasks, challenging ourselves, and OMG having fun.

Before Endeavor Fitness most of us had tried different fitness programs but before we could achieve any real results we got bored, or tired of the program, or stuck. Most of us had a few kids or a few beers or both along the way and were looking for a way to reconnect with our health and fitness.

Endeavor Fitness is different than your average fitness class. First of all it is a social gathering full of crazy fun people all learning new progressions or exercises. Functional Fitness has such a huge variety of exercises that everyone is still learning, adapting or improving their technique. Second everyday is different. Functinal Fitness uses gymnastic movements, conditioning movements and olympic weight lifting movements to ensure that our bodies never plateau by getting used to a particular exercise. Third, because we never stop learning we get hooked on gaining proficiency in different movement. You might observe someone doing a pull-up or double unders and before you know it… you’re on a mission to “get” the movement!

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Our Special Trainers

Head over to “Our Trainers” to view information about each of our awesome trainers.

Jolaine Undershute

Owner / Trainer

Lainey Wilson

Level One CrossFit Trainer

Terri Lightfoot

Level One CrossFit Trainer


Results are different for each person who is part of the Endeavor Fitness Family.

What Members Are Saying...

See the “Results” page for inspiring transformations!